Friday, October 29, 2010

William the Conqueror

How exactly did you gain power, William?
It all started back in 1066 A.D. when Edward the Confessor died without an heir.  Harold Godwinson was going to take over, but I wouldn't allow it.  I let him tire his army out by fighting Harald of Norway.  Then, at the Battle of Hastings, I invaded England and won.  On Christmas Day, I was crowned King. 

How did you hold your power?
I had a Doomsday book made, you might know it as a Census.  It let me keep track of everything in my kingdom so I could tax efficiently and control castle building. 

Do you think you are somebody to be remembered?
Yes, I believe I will be found to be very significant to history.  My organization of the army was important, but the Doomsday book was what allowed me to keep a watchful eye over my kingdom.  My idea will go down in history.

"William the Conqueror." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 9 Nov. 2010.

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