Friday, October 29, 2010


Charlemagne, how did you come to power?
When my father, who was the son of Charles Martel, died, my brother and I took over.  Three years later my brother died and I took over.  On Christmas day, 800 A.D., I became the emperor.

What was your main goal as emperor?
During my time in power, which was 768  A.D. to 814 A.D,  my goal was to try to recreate Rome.  I set the country up with 350 counties, each with one Count in charge creating a unified Christian Empire. I also set up a school system, and even I learned to read and write.

Do you believe you will be remembered in the annals of history?
Yes, I believe I will.  I personally led over 50 military campaigns, going to battle with the aim of unifying war torn Western Europe.  Also, I was a Christian King and for that I believe I will be remembered.

"Charlemagne." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 11 Nov. 2010.

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