Friday, October 29, 2010


Who issued the Crusades?
During 1095 A.D. Pope Urban the 2nd declared it was the will of God to spread Christianity. 

What were the Crusades?
Our Christian troops went on conquests to spread our religion.  We are holding the Holy Land now, but I'm not sure how long we will prevail.  There were many Crusades that took place over almost 200 years.

What was the best thing that came out of the Crusades?
We obtained long-lost knowledge.  Using it, we got out of the Dark Ages.

Why was the Crusades significant?
The three main reasons the Crusades were significant is because there was no permanent conquest, Europe obtained knowledge from the Muslims, and they ended the Dark Ages in Europe.

"The Crusades (Overview)." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 11 Nov. 2010.

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