Friday, October 29, 2010

Rome sacked/falls to Barbarians

How was Rome defeated?
In 410 A.D. the Visigoths conquered the capital.  Allerik, the Visigoth leader, had his army surround the city for two years.  Eventually Rome was suffering so much from smallpox and starvation, the Aristocrats decided to open the gates.  The Visigoths stormed in and ravaged Rome.  Finding little food, the hungry invaders moved on, leaving the "Mother of the World" destroyed.

What happened after the Roman fell?
Europe suffered from famine, plague, persecution and constant warfare between enemies and themselves.

Why is Rome's being destroyed important and significant to Europe?
It set the continent of Europe way back.  During the Dark Ages people tried to stay alive, so there really weren't technological improvements.

Zosimus: New History (1982) translated by Ronald T. Ridley; The Gothic History of Jordanes (1915) translated by Charles Christopher Mierow.

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